The Supplier Code of Conduct outlines our expectations of suppliers and their conduct regarding the core principles listed in our Modern Slavery Policy.
This includes workplace health and safety, environmental protection and ethical practices.
We require that suppliers investigate their labour practices and supply chains, and promptly address any cases of modern slavery or related exploitation and report these to us.

Responsible Supply Chain
Harvest Road Group is working towards addressing potential modern slavery risks in our supply chain operations.
What is it?
Modern slavery impacts on all of us, from the food we consume to the goods we purchase.
We acknowledge the potential inherent risk of modern slavery that our agricultural operations carry, and whilst we continue to experience sustained growth, we have not forgotten the importance of continuous improvement.
Modern Slavery is an umbrella term used to describe various circumstances of exploitation including;

Our Modern Slavery Risk Management Framework guides our approach to limit the risk of modern slavery practices in our supply chain.

Harvest Road Group conducts modern slavery risk assessments for all procurement.
The initial level of modern slavery risk is based on the product/service being supplied and where it is sourced from geographically.
If there is an elevated inherent risk, we ask suppliers to complete a Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) which requests information in the following key areas:
- Risk identification and assessment;
- Education and training;
- Policies and procedures;
- Grievance mechanism;
- Due diligence;
- Measuring effectiveness; and
- Remediation.

To identify the potential modern slavery risks in our supply chain we conduct supply chain mapping using an Integrated Assessment Engine developed by Fair Supply. The global Multi-Regional Input-Output (MRIO) table links supply chain data from 38,000 industry and country sector combinations. The MRIO is then examined against international standards.
This process generates a modern slavery risk profile reflecting 10 tiers of our suppliers. This helps us to achieve maximum practical visibility, from the raw materials used in the production of goods through to the services ultimately provided by our suppliers.
All suppliers with elevated inherent risk are requested to complete a SAQ to provide more information about the risks in their operations, supply chains and how they are mitigating them.
By engaging and collaborating with our suppliers we can identify potential modern slavery risks in our supply chain and support efforts to address and remediate them.