We are constantly striving towards doing better for the people, animals and planet.
Emission Reduction

Covered Anaerobic Lagoon (CAL)

Harvest Road Group installed a Covered Anaerobic Lagoon in 2020 to treat wastewater and capture biogas at our Harvey Processing Facility. The biogas is utilised in a boiler on site, reducing the facility’s dependence on natural gas requirements by approximately one third while also reducing our greenhouse gas emissions on site.
The project is registered under the Australian Government’s Emission Reduction Fund and has the potential to obtain 14,000 Australian Carbon Credit Units for the next 7 years.
Carbon Neutral Supply Chains Report
The Carbon Footprint and Reduction Options for Harvest Road Group Operations report, published in 2022, was the result of an 18-month research collaboration between Harvest Road Group and other key cattle and livestock industry leaders Meat Livestock Australia (MLA) and Western Australian Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD).
This report marked the first time emissions from every aspect of the cattle production process have been examined – from feed intake and food sources to turnoff – to reveal which areas of the supply chain should be targeted to reduce emissions.
The report’s emission reduction activities can be applied to any beef or livestock enterprise to assist in reducing carbon emissions across the red meat industry to achieve the Australian Government’s goal of carbon neutrality by 2030.
Koojan Downs Carbon Soil Project

We have registered a soil carbon project to capture and absorb carbon at our Koojan Downs feeding facility. The approach involves the collection and redistribution of natural waste from the facility to surrounding paddocks, sequestering carbon into the soil.
The process improves the soil health by increasing water retention and nutrients within the soil. This carbon soil project was registered with the Emissions Reduction Fund in 2021 and is estimated to generate 5,600 Australian Carbon Credit Units per annum for the next 25 years.
As a business reliant on the natural environment for our productivity, we understand the importance of biodiversity, essential to our growth and success as producers of high quality food.
Biodiversity Lead
To support our biodiversity initiatives, we have an in-house ecologist with a background in conservation biology, including extensive experience monitoring native, invasive fauna species and threatened mammal translocation projects.
This role works collaboratively with our operations teams, diligently gathering baseline data and vigilantly monitoring the environments we operate in.
This proactive approach aims to guide management practices, maintaining our natural resources for the prosperity of generations to come. We have a range of biodiversity projects under development across Harvest Road Group stations and aquaculture leases.
Project: Baselining Biodiversity - Aquaculture
In April 2023, we worked with Murdoch University to complete the comprehensive fish assemblage survey work in a new Harvest Road Group aquaculture lease off Albany, Western Australia. Using baited-underwater video cameras in Shoal Bay, a baseline of fish species present was monitored, prior to installation of aquaculture equipment.
Follow up surveys are planned to monitor any changes that might occur over time. This information is incredibly important to us, as the diversity and functioning of the marine environment in which we operate is paramount to the sustainability of our business and value of the broader community.
Rangeland monitoring
Across our vast northern pastoral properties, a rangelands monitoring program has been implemented to assess the condition of vegetation and pasture. The survey work includes an extensive network of sites, of which more than 150 have been monitored in 2023.
Using this data, Harvest Road Group aims to consistently assess the state of the rangelands and pasture to identify trends, high and low productivity areas in response to seasonally and stocking rates. Over time, we will link pasture trends and satellite monitoring information to inform management practices.

Sustainable Packaging

Implementing the Sustainable Packaging Guidelines (SPGs)
Our businesses, Harvey Beef and Leeuwin Coast use APCO’s SPGs to review and design packaging to be as sustainable as possible. The SPGs help the businesses make more sustainable packaging decisions which often face conflicting demands of the market. Some of our packaging achievements include:
- Transitioning all Harvey Beef retail packaging to include the Australasian Recycling Logo (ARL). The ARL is a joint initiative of APCO, Planet Ark and PREP Design and is an on-pack labelling scheme that helps consumers recycle correctly and supports companies and packaging manufacturers to design packaging that is recyclable at end-of-life.
- Phased out non-recyclable carbon black meat trays, replacing them with recyclable blue meat trays.
- Replaced the non-recyclable black vacuum skin packaging to translucent recyclable formats.
- The inner and outer Akoya packaging were redesigned to deliver a reduction in packaging weight versus the previous packaging, while still holding the same amount of Akoya.
- Applied the ARL logo to Akoya inner packaging.
- We eliminated the necessity for single-use plastic cable ties in securing our oyster hessian bags. We achieved this by modifying our packing techniques, as we started using a sewing machine for sealing and affixing swing tags.